Wolo’s new Lightning Bright 2 warning light is built with 10 super bright 1-watt LEDs, that are long life and totally maintenance free. The electronics is sealed in rock hard epoxy to withstand all weather conditions and high vibration. Lightning Bright has an operating voltage range of 12-100 volts DC. The lights base is rugged ABS that will not corrode; all required mounting hardware and a rubber gasket are provided. Lightning Bright has a replaceable amber fresnel lens that is made of strong polycarbonate plastic.

Voltage Range: 12~100-volt DC
LED type: GEN 3 / 1-watt
Number of LEDs: 10
Current Peak: 100 mA
Flash Pattern: Triple flash
Flash Rate: 60 Triple FPM
Temperature Range: -20° C ~ +60° C
Lens: Polycarbonate replaceable
Size: W 2-3/4” x H 5-1/4” x L 4”
Mounting: Permanent screw mount